Tandem Skydiving Weight Limit
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Skydiving is amazing, and those who do it want others to experience it too. Over many years, tandem skydiving has been refined into a slick and efficient process that means pretty much anyone can go and jump from an airplane. There are, however, many rules and regulations by which dropzones must adhere in order to operate – both as part of general aviation and the specifics of parachuting.
A big chunk of successful aviation is about managing the total weight of what you are trying to get into the air, as the heavier a thing is the harder it is to make it fly. Tandem skydiving is very accessible but does have a weight limit, let’s have a look at why.

Why is There a Weight Limit For Skydiving?
Skydiving Equipment Needs a Weight Limit
For what is essentially some fabric and some string, skydiving equipment is very strong. Modern materials and sophisticated construction techniques mean that everything you need—including two parachutes—fits into what is basically a backpack.
When you jump in tandem, whereby the student is strapped to the front of an instructor with a harness, the equipment is twice the size in order to handle the weight of two people. While it is possible to create bigger and bigger parachutes for whatever your purpose and weight—such as boats or tanks or space capsules—once it becomes too large to fit into a personal backpack, human skydiving becomes very difficult.
At Skydive St. Louis, safety is our highest priority and our top-notch equipment helps us meet our strict safety standards.

Skydiving Airplanes Need a Weight Limit
Weights and balances are key factors in getting planes in the air and keeping them there. The kinds of aircraft used for skydiving are usually not very big. If everyone is under a particular weight limit, it is much easier to have the plane loaded correctly so it doesn’t tip over on its side right after you get off the ground. Distributing the skydivers correctly is essential for taking off efficiently, mitigating risk, and preventing accidents.
Aviation is expensive and dropzones must operate under careful margins to make things work. The heavier a plane is loaded, the longer it takes to climb up to altitude and the more fuel it uses. The commercialization of tandem skydiving is what allows a lot of dropzones to exist, but they must be very attentive to small details to do well as a business. Weight limits are a big part of ensuring our favorite dropzones continue to operate efficiently and stay in business.
There Are Physical Difficulties of Skydiving If You Are Overweight
As mentioned above, skydiving aircraft are not exactly huge. The process of entering and exiting a traditional skydiving airplane is equivalent to getting into and out of a small car. It’s not like the experience of flying in a commercial airliner. As a general rule, being a bit leaner rather than a bit heftier helps the whole process go smoothly for everyone involved, particularly at the most crucial moment, when you jump out!

What is the Weight Limit for Tandem Skydiving?
The weight limit for a tandem student here at Skydive St. Louis is 200lbs, which is not exactly small. The reasons for having a weight limit are important, but there is still some wiggle room. Our maximum possible weight for a tandem skydiver is 260lbs and we charge an additional dollar per pound over the 200lb limit. This takes into consideration the extra time and resources needed to make it work. For example, if we do take someone bigger, we may have to ensure that the other slots in the plane are taken by people who are a bit smaller.
What if You Are Over The Skydiving Weight Limit?
The best course of action is to let the prospect of a skydive motivate you into shedding a few of those extra pounds. Skydiving is one of the best things ever, and you will enjoy it all the more if you are feeling fit and healthy when you go for it. If you have any questions or are concerned that you may be a little over, give us a call. More than anything, we want as many people as possible to experience the thrill of a tandem skydive at Skydive St. Louis!