Are Skydiving Videos Worth It?
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Are skydiving videos worth it?…Not if you don’t mind crushing regret.
That might sound cheeky, but it’s true. If more potential skydivers knew that the number one regret of people who do their first tandem skydive is that they didn’t get the video evidence, far fewer would leave with wistful faces.
It’s true: first-time tandem jumpers who opt out of getting video of their very first skydive are generally actually sad about that choice. We see this story play out every single weekend, so we’re very keen to make sure you know what you might be missing if you decide not to have your very first skydive filmed.

1. There’s a first time for everything -- and then it never happens again.
There are some moments in life that happen once and only once. Right? Think about it: You and your spouse’s first kiss as a married pair — your first child’s first step — throwing your cap at your college graduation day. If any of these have happened to you, you likely have a picture or a video of it. If you don’t, you probably regret it. The same goes for skydiving.
Even if you get bitten by the skydiving bug, like we did, and do ten thousand skydives after that first one, here’s the tip: you are never going make your first jump again. That might just be reason enough to make sure you have something to show for it.
2. It looks good!
In case you’re wondering, your tandem skydiving video isn’t just made up of a couple frenzied, rushed-feeling shots of you falling. The basic skydiving video package you can expect includes a several-minute video of your experience from beginning to landing, including a brief pre-jump interview to set the tone — you, gearing up in your skydiving equipment — the thrilling airplane ride — and only then your freefall, parachute flight and triumphant landing. It’s a pretty comprehensive record of your skydive, making it watchable over and over again.

3. We employ fantastic artists to create these videos.
If you think skydiving is hard, try skydiving with a camera on your head and using it to take gorgeous images. Capturing stunning footage of a tandem skydive from the outside perspective takes considerable athletic skill, experience and precision. A freefall photographer/videographer has to match the freefall speed of a tandem pair rocketing down at 120 miles per hour while manipulating multiple cameras, communicating with the tandem instructor, framing the tandem beautifully and keeping a cheerful smile on their face. What a challenge! We’re proud to say that our freefall photographers are absolute masters of their trade, and you’ll certainly agree when you see the final product.
So: now you see why skydiving videos are absolutely worth the cost. Your friends, family and social media followers will be perched at the edge of their seats to check you out in all your freefallin’ glory — so make sure you don’t disappoint your waiting public!